Friday, September 9, 2011


See post below for more info on Auditions!

Audition for HAMLET!

The time has come to audition for the Rude Mechanical's Fall production of HAMLET, directed by Emily Lyon!

Facebook event (with time, location, and audition details):

To signup for an audition slot, click the link below:

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

THE TEMPEST has been cast!!


Alonso- Artun Kircali

Antonio- Roderick Jefferson

Ariel- Katie Weidmaier, Mary Harrell, and Lily Parker

Boatswain- Tina Pandya

Caliban- Charlotte Raines

Ferdinand- Lance Fletke

Gonzalo- David Niemann

Miranda- Alice McCarthy

Prospero- Paul Vittes

Sebastian- John Devine

Stephano- Jordan Golden

Trinculo- Allison Stock

Sunday, November 7, 2010

About us!

Another new page is up! Go ahead and read all about how the Rudes made their first steps towards greatness... and were not afraid. 

(Macbeth reference, or Twelfth Night? You decide...)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Rude Mechanicals have a blog!

Welcome to our new blog everyone!

Since we're just testing it out at the moment, this isn't going to be too detailed or explanatory.


The Rudes